We all know how tense the process of preparation for any UPSC exam can be. Undoubtedly, it requires your undivided attention but it is also important to know how to go about preparing for it. The right technique needs to be owned to reach your goal. If you are a UPSC CAPF aspirant, this article will guide you through the preparation process in a systematic manner.

There are 3 levels that you, as an aspirant, have to break through to make it to the CAPF.

The first level is to clear the written exam which comes in 2 papers: paper-1 (objective type) and paper-2 (subjective). The second level is the physical/medical examination. The third level is the interview or personality test.

Hence, the following will help you get an idea of preparing for the CAPF exam:

Dedication toward your goals

As a CAPF aspirant, you must follow a disciplined lifestyle so as to reach your most awaited goal. Cracking the UPSC CAPF exam is no cakewalk, so you need to keep aside any thoughts that may deviate you. The number one secret to one’s success is complete dedication to one’s work.

You need to not only think of your goal but also permanently fix it in your mind. There might be times when you would want to give up, but remember once you seriously dedicate yourself, you won’t ever wish to quit. That’s what is called complete dedication toward your goals.

Read the newspaper daily

This acts as a necessary element in your preparation process. It is an undeniable fact that any exam conducted by the UPSC consists of various questions about current affairs. Many aspirants may choose the easier path of going through a compiled list of current affairs right before their CAPF exams.

This way is highly condemned by many experts and professionals who claim that success can’t be achieved through easy work. Firstly, it is close to impossible to cover all the material within a few days or weeks.

This adds unnecessary pressure to your mind. Secondly, not all sites and magazines may contain a complete list of current affairs- accuracy may also be in question. Therefore, reading the newspaper not only divides this task of yours on a daily basis but also helps you lead a disciplined and organized lifestyle.


While discussing this point, we shall take into account the famous saying that emphasizes the importance of smart work over hard work. When this is talked about in terms of the CAPF exams, both smart work and hard work are required. Go through your syllabus thoroughly and set a timetable dividing your days among different fragments of your syllabus on certain days.

This is what is called smart work. However, it doesn’t include leaving some part of the syllabus just because it came in the previous year or doing only those questions that had already come.

This isn’t smart work but easy work which may cost you heavily. Therefore, every part of your syllabus needs to be covered with equal importance.

Solve previous year’s question papers

Although these can’t be an incentive to you in case you wish to predict what all questions may come on the “D-day”, they can surely help you get guidance about the pattern and type of questions, marching scheme, time management and most importantly, help you practice those questions.

Preparation in terms of the subjects

Divide your days according to the subjects that you’ll study. Try studying those subjects close to one another that have similar concepts.

Current affairs and general knowledge

As discussed earlier, current affairs are really important- be it in the written or oral test (interview). Therefore, special focus is to be given to these.

Current affairs include what is happening every day which could be imbibed by reading the newspaper daily or installing apps that can provide the same information, watching television, and reading informative magazines on issues concerning local and global consciousness like sports, politics, gender, economy, science, arts and so on.

Usually, current affairs dated one year before the date of the exam are asked. Be sure to gather material from the ones you happened to miss out on.

You also need to increase your general knowledge as it, too, is an important part of the CAPF exams.

Geography- Indian geography is an important subject to be covered. You must know about the various geographical terrains and regions, facts about climatic changes and important treaties concerning nature and climate (especially, the latest ones). Geography should be connected with general sciences like physics and also the economy as these are relevant aspects.

Economics- Take into account the basic economic concepts, the various economic policies based on the circumstances of the nation, the GDP and so on. Relate it with the political status in our nation.

History- This is an important subject and should be taken seriously. Pay attention to the various important freedom movements, the rulers and their reign (as given in your syllabus), with a special focus on the dates and years. Connect it with the economic, social and religious aspects of the present world and draw a comparison.

Quantitative aptitude and reasoning- Practice makes perfect, so you need to keep your habit of practising these daily to not lose touch. The more you practise, the better you become. Make a point to not use a calculator as it is not allowed in the CAPF exams.

English/Hindi- Basic grammar needs to be looked through and must be given as much importance as other subjects because you will need it not only for written papers but also (especially) in interviews.

Preparing and arranging your notes

Every UPSC aspirant must follow this as it helps you assort the information that your mind has to intake in a systematic and synchronized manner. No matter how great you may be at imbibing knowledge within a time restraint, it is always a better option to make either extensive or brief notes, according to your preference.

This saves you the time to go through every single study material before your exam that you referred to during the time of preparation. Arranging these notes is equally important as it saves you from any last-minute frantic behaviour.

Time management is important

Managing your time may be extremely difficult, especially when you have to answer a UPSC exam. The CAPF exams consist of two levels of written papers- the objective and subjective types respectively.

Although it is normally thought that the objective questions (paper-1) won’t consume as much time as compared to the subjective ones (paper-2), this is a wrong notion as these questions are difficult and time-consuming, with a total of 250 marks. When we talk about the subjective paper which requires 4 questions to be completed within a fixed time frame, the same worry surrounds it.

Therefore, the importance of time management is a real issue because there are brilliant students who may know most of the answers but due to their lack of time-management abilities, they often end up leaving a significant number of questions. So, from the very beginning itself, divide your time for not only studying but managing other affairs in your life.

While studying or practising writing answers, follow the same method, and you will see how you complete your task at the time fixed by you.

Take breaks

Some aspirants tend to get so indulged in their preparation that they indeed forget to give themselves the time that everyone requires. Yes, we’re talking about the essential break you need during these times!

We know how hectic these times can be, therefore, you must take up such measures to release your stress levels- such as doing meditation, listening to soft music, watching something you like or sparing some time to take care of your hobbies! These can definitely help you release your stress and become energetic for continuing your preparation with eagerness.

Note: Make sure not to overdo things that could lead to your distraction.

Keep giving mock tests

Mock tests prove to be of great help as they help you experience and witness the environment and your mental status during exams before it is conducted. They help you to get a rough understanding of what type of questions may come, the pattern of the paper, the marking scheme and so on.

These will help you put yourself under examination in terms of your knowledge and preparation. Accordingly, you may be able to improve your standards.

Exclusive tips for level-2: physical/medical examination

Start exercising

This should be done to lead a healthy life. You should run daily for a considerable amount of time. It helps you burn extra calories.

Eat healthy foods!

It is important for you to initiate a healthy lifestyle by maintaining a proper and balanced diet. Eat lots of veggies and those food items that can help in muscle-building like proteins.

These are important steps to be followed if you aspire to get selected for this level.

Exclusive tips for level-3: interview/personality test

Watch inspirational videos of people

Inspirational videos of people with prior experience can really help you build your confidence as you have a role model to emulate their ways of expressing themselves, the technique used to catch the interviewer’s attention and their ability to be word-smart.

Even watching their life story can help you get inspired and aim at progressing and getting better results.

Keep practising in front of a mirror

This may be one of the best and most performed ways of practicing for an interview. In this, you get to know your mistakes as you observe what your interviewer will be perceiving at the time of the real interview.

This also helps you in boosting your confidence because when you practice several times, the possibility of your getting nervous becomes comparatively lesser.

Maintaining professionalism

Make sure to behave professionally. Do not use words that may give an informal effect as this might make a bad impression of you on your interviewer. Dress in a similar manner- wear formal clothes since this gives the idea that you are serious and dedicated towards your goal.


Patience is always the key to your success. This is a trait that the interviewer looks at very carefully. They may ask certain questions to test your patience. Do not lose your cool or get nervous as you may lose out on your opportunity.

Good posture

This is also something that constructs or disrupts the impression of you on the interviewer. Don’t slouch or sit in an indecent position or shake your legs.

Calm down, don’t fret! These are a few factors to keep in mind if you’re someone who is an aspirant of the CAPF. Follow these steps and you will be invincible! Good luck!