Competitive exams are hectic. You need to get a decent amount of sleep every day, study as many hours as you can, and take care of your body to stay healthy. And if that wasn't enough, you also need to create a study habit for yourself so that it's easier for you to prepare when exam season comes around.

We're not saying that you can't study without any preparation, but if you're starting from scratch and have no idea how to prepare, then it might be a bit of a struggle. And who wants to struggle? Not you!

Here are a few steps that might help:

Dividing the time

First things first, it's crucial to get into a routine. Tell yourself that every day after school or work, you'll sit down and study for an hour. If this sounds too long or too short for you, then adjust it accordingly. Maybe for you, it's better to divide it into half-hour sections, and if you're ambitious, maybe an hour is too little!

A proper study space

Also, make sure that you've got a decent study space or space to yourself. You might have to help your parents or your siblings with their studies at times, and this will mean that your study schedule will have to extend or come in later than expected.

To stick to your schedule, you must ensure that you will be able to do so. Make sure that the conditions are right for you. Even if it means sacrificing some time with your family or friends, get a quiet place of your own where you can study without any distractions.

Assign periodic time to the subjects

Once you've gotten into the habit of studying regularly, it's crucial to figure out what kind of subject you're going to focus on. Dividing up the subjects according to time schedules will make it easier for you to go through.

Tricks and techniques for better study

Drawing up small cards with essential study formulas can be a simple study tactic. It can help you remember your concepts better and enhance knowledge productivity.

Prepare notes to have the critical subject matter summarized. This can help you in the last hours to go through and reminisce all that you have studied. You can follow some techniques in making the notes, like the outline method or the Cornell method. Having an effective revision strategy can assist you in your battle against exams.

So, try to come up with those little nuances and tweak them in your study schedule.

Figure out a proper study pattern

It is usually believed that studying during early hours can help you remember the study concepts better. While it can hold for most people, studying during late hours was the key to crack the competitive exams for many. So, try to figure out your study pattern and where you are comfortable.

Have study intervals

Falling into a pattern will allow you to plan your things well. Try to inculcate learning consistently. It is easier said than done. It is observed among students preparing for competitive exams that they quickly fall out of inspiration to study and slag down behind.

During such cases, rather than wasting time just staring at the open book, take small breaks. Go out in the fresh air and have a cheat day where you can have fun and frolic a little. After that, come to your study table, sit down and be determined enough to start again. There is nothing a determined student can't do.

Drink coffee

Drinking coffee can also keep you focused on your studies, as caffeine has been found to enhance memory. It can have a positive effect on your brain and retain memories for more than 24 hours. So, sip coffee and work your way to success in your studies.

Assessment is essential to crack the exams

Merely studying won't lead you to crack exams. It is essential to assess ourselves in periods. Assessment can give you a direction and where you need to concentrate and sharpen your concepts. It can identify your strengths and weaknesses and allow you to rectify your mistakes better. You can even use digital learning platforms where they have frequent assessment exams, with many of them being free to use.

Have a healthy lifestyle

All these tips can only work when you have a healthy lifestyle in your daily life. Eating proper meals daily at regular intervals can make your physical and mental being sound and sane. Going out for exercises and long walks can give your body space to breathe in. After all, it is rightly said,

"A healthy body is a healthy mind."  It is a myth that continuous study with no intervals in between can yield good results. So, eat out lots of veggies, wake up to the morning sun or even go for physical hobbies like trekking.  

Textbook techniques

One can follow the textbook reading strategy of recall, reflect and review to retain the concepts learned. Following Pavlov's study experiment can also work wonders for you. If you are curious about the same, go check out Google to learn more about it and start including it in your schedule.

Hold up your confidence in your sleeve

And the last essential but simple tip we have is confidence. It is essential to have confidence in oneself while preparing for such competitive exams simply because they do not believe in themselves. Therefore one must continue to have confidence and refrain from self-doubt.

If one is confident enough, all hurdles seem small. People who have made it big in the world are known for confidence and perseverance. So, chin it up and walk to the open world where your hurdles are waiting for you. Cross it, break it and move further ahead.

Habits take time and consistency to form.  The magic number often suggested by many is 21 days. Make sure you push yourself and show up, and you'll surely see the changes. Continue self-evaluating and be confident in yourself.