Strategy to crack TSPSC group-1 exam

Competitive exam preparation is on, but confused about how to crack it? Let’s plan a few strategies that can help you crack the exam.

Competitive exam the word itself creates a lot of pressure than one can imagine having. To get selected in the merit list, to be the best, to not miss out on anything. These things can create stress, that can distract your attention.

But the first tip to crack any exam is to stay calm.

You have chosen this field as your career because you believe to have that capability in you. So, stay calm this is just an exam, and you are going to get through it with ease. Stress can sometimes make you forget topics that you were best at.

Staying calm with all the external pressure may not sound easy but try taking breaks between your planned study schedules. Which will help you feel fresh and avoid things getting messy in your brain. During breaks try avoiding the usage of things that can distract you more or divert your attention in any way. A better piece of advice can be to take fresh air.

Exam Pattern

The next step is before you prepare for your exam, try to understand the exam pattern. Every exam that is written has different motives and understanding the aspect of the exam will help you perform better.

The competitive exam is mainly about general knowledge, current affairs, and a few other topics that will be described in the syllabus.

Try referring to the syllabus and previous exam papers, that will help you get a clear idea.


Now that you have got your syllabus and you are aware of the topics you have to cover, plan a schedule.

A schedule will help you perform tasks in an organized manner giving each subject equal importance. And at the same time, you will have a planned chart of how and by when will you be completely prepared for your exam.

Make sure that you make a schedule that you can consistently follow. If you mess it up with your study schedule you might lose the track of planned portions.


Your surrounding is going to play an important role in helping you study. A diverting environment can make it hard for you to concentrate and complete your work.

Choose a comforting place, with no distraction but good concentration.

A study table in your room can be a suggestion as that will support your posture too.

Vision board

Not really an important thing but can help you. A vision board can be any place that you often keep seeing.

Try having a creative and positive vision board that will motivate you. During all the stress given by people, this vision board will motivate you by justifying why you chose this.

Try keeping good positive quotes that can inspire you, and also give you strength every moment you feel lost to succeed.

Online coaching classes

While you prepare for any competitive exam double support is always better, you need not sign for a private coaching class only. Instead, you can use online coaching classes, that will help you take up various mock tests and help understand the concept a little better.


Try making notes in a pointer manner.

Notes are always of benefit to revising each topic, the pointers you write will help you glance at the topic, without a detailed study of it again.

Notes also help you increase your writing speed which is very important in a competitive exam.

Keep yourself updated

When you sign up for a competitive exam, it revolved around the world. You need to keep updating your brain just like we keep refreshing the desktop screen.

Try keeping yourself updated with current affairs, GK, and different things going around the world. This will help you perform better when it comes to being descriptive during answers.

Keep revising

Always when you plan to study something new on a new day, try once revising the previous study topics.

This will help you remember the topics better and not confused you with what you studied, going to study, and will study.

Ending note

The only strategy to clear the exam would be to be well prepared. Each one has a unique way of learning and grasping things. Plan the method that makes your learning fun and easy to remember.

The above mentioned are the tips that can help you prepare for the exam but remember preparation can be a slow process. But when you write an exam it’s your final attempt, give it your best shot. Put in all your preparation on the paper.