Factors to consider before becoming a UPSC aspirant

If you are a UPSC civil service candidate, you are likely sick of being asked, "Why do you want to become an IAS officer?" Therefore, you must have a fully prepared explanation for this question for interested friends and family, and even for the UPSC interviewer you'd meet one day.

The majority of IAS aspirants claim that their primary reason for being civil servants is to play a role in maintaining the nation's well-being. Similarly, many people claim to want to work for the betterment of the poor and oppressed.

Only wishing to support the poor and marginalized, or being a productive member of society, isn't enough to get to the top of the list after participating in India's most challenging examination. There are numerous other variables to consider.

So the following are the reasons why an individual should give a second thought before venturing into the UPSC jungle:

Long Wait

After being selected into the IAS, be prepared to operate as an SDM/SDO/JC/CDO/DM/DC in rural / field areas for nine years (3 tenures), after which you can serve as a secretary in the capital city or go on a central duty in Delhi.

Extremely Tough Competition

UPSC can be a brutal struggle for you, regardless of how knowledgeable or diligent you are. With only about 180 IAS positions available and 5 lakh candidates vying for them, the selection rate is 0.036 percent.

Cadre Option

With the current cadre distribution scheme, getting your home state is highly complicated, and you could be placed anywhere in India, even the North East. So, even though you pass the IAS exam, you will not get a decent cadre. Obtaining a top 50 ranking will increase the chances of being assigned to the cadre of your choosing.

Prep Time

Provided that you are not a deity and normal mortal like the rest of us, expect the exam to require at least two attempts to pass. Overall, it will take five years to get everything up and running. Thus, one year of exam preparation, two years of exam looping, and two years of teaching. Often be ready to go without cash for at least four years.

CBI Surveillance

Suppose the goal is to gain illegal money through corrupt practices. In that case, you may face issues because the CBI is still on the alert for specific actions, which would be more challenging to detect with digitalization and other indicators in place. Furthermore, you will always be afraid. Since you are a high-ranking government officer, you will still be scrutinized by the media and public for such actions.

According to the government,

a)581 bribery charges had been brought against IAS officers in 2020-21.

b) 379 IAS officials have not declared their assets: the federal government

c) Arrests on Tamil Nadu Chief Secretary P Rama Mohana Rao's offices and homes for 24 hours


Every three years (1 term period), you will be moved by authorities. An IAS officer is said to spend just 18 months on average in the same workplace. But be ready and go wherever you're assigned. You never realize when you'll get a call for a move.

Governmental Intervention

Any candidate will have a campaign platform or promises to keep that must be met, and the burden of proof to achieve these tasks will fall on you, putting you in a difficult situation. You may have to defer to the uneducated - leaders of the public who don't make sense. Or perhaps suffer their embarrassment.

Personal Relationships Will Be Ruined

Because you'll be serving in a district or remote place with underdeveloped schools, you'll want your children to attend school in the state capital cities or Delhi. There's a good chance your child and wife will live in a state city or Delhi, miles away from you, while you're on service.

If you are not from an IIT, IIM, AIIMS, or a top institution, you would need caliber to pass the test. I believe you can pass the exam, but you are yet to demonstrate that you are among the most difficult or intelligent brains based on your previous results.

Opportunity Cost

For each passing year, you will miss the opportunity to pursue higher education or pursue a career in a different field. In addition, it would be difficult to find work after 3–4 years with no exposure. As a result, do have a Backup Plan on hand.

Work-Life Management

Typical working time is 9.30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Zero work Sundays account for only 5 or 10 of the 52 Sundays in a year. Even though Saturdays are holidays, most people work. Field officers usually do most of their jobs on holidays, so fewer visits and phone calls distract them. Only on weekends or after 10 p.m. are both decisions and complex files cleared.

Work Stability / Double-Edged Blade

It is accurate that you will have work security, but there is a double-edged blade in that you may face emotional torment from your employer. Still, you will be unable to quit your workplace because you are in your mid-30s or mid-40s and have family and personal financial obligations.

Final Thoughts

There are several odds against every UPSC aspirant. Still, if you are one of those who aspire to be reform agents in the region, leading a campaign against corruption, favoritism, and other economic and social ills that impede the country's growth. Then, you've picked the right area.

Moreover, you will make a positive difference in the country if you have the right combination of experience, talent, preparation, and most of all, hard work.