12 steps to success in Competitive exams

Are you tired of the same cycle of preparing and failing over and over again? It might be getting frustrating, but trust me; you're not alone in this. Don't worry, we've all been in this situation, but don't quit just yet. Here are 12 study methods that will surely help you crack that exam that you've been trying for years now.

Prepare a Time Table

Set aside time for studying each day just like you do for eating and sleeping. Maintain a consistent schedule from day to day. The length of time required for the study will vary depending on your knowledge of the subject. It is advised that you spend two hours each day studying for every hour spent in class. Attending class is simply the first step; the hard work comes after that!

The no social media technique

It may not be easy, but, indeed, a small sacrifice may make all the difference! Social media isn't going anywhere for a long time. So, for at least a month till your examinations are over, keep the distractions at bay.

For a while, turn off all social media accounts and don't use your phone when you're studying. This will not only increase your focus but also increase your attention span. Research proves that social media can be exhausting for a person.

Make analogies

Experts say that the difference between "slow learners" and "fast learners" is due to the manner they study. For example, "quick learners" draw connections between topics rather than memorizing. This process, known as contextual learning, requires students to design their learning techniques, resulting in connections that allow all of the knowledge to fall into place and make sense for them individually.

Try to change subjects or topics

Consider yourself fortunate if you've never felt “burned out" from memorizing pages of history notes, analyzing chemical formula, or rehearsing music scales. But be aware that the danger is genuine. It's better to mix up your stuff rather than focusing on one thing all the time. It is permissible to combine related or comparable topic areas; for example, rather than remembering vocabularies solely, it is acceptable to combine related or similar subject areas.

Join study groups

To discuss ideas and facilitate learning, consider group studies. Use this to your advantage in studies by explaining your responses to the questions. This will aid in improved memorization and show any weak areas in which you are falling behind and need to put in more effort. You would get answers from others for any other questions you're facing trouble solving. Study groups also increase your confidence as you realize how well prepared you are as compared to others.

Paraphrase and reflect

Many of us have studied a few pages in a textbook to discover that we don't remember a single concept or crucial point. Use purposeful learning techniques to deal with this. Connect what you're learning to past knowledge; imagine how they'd teach the material to a 5-year-old. Reflect on and act on what was learned. Make sure to understand the text in your own words before learning it.

Start taking mock tests

Mock tests are the deciding factor in revealing if you're well prepared for the final exam or not. Your future learning is improved when you practice answering questions, even if they are answered inaccurately at the time. Pre-testing has been found to boost post-test scores more than studying for the same amount of time.

Mock Tests are tests made by professionals which help to reduce anxiety by stimulating a real-life exam situation. You can find the mock tests on - urExam, i.e., https://www.urexam.in


Encourage yourself to create your exam questions when you learn a new subject, simulating the sorts of questions one could ask on a quiz or test. These tests would help your study sessions, answering all of the questions, even if you think you already know the answers. It's a good idea to make flashcards that can be utilized for spaced practice and self-quizzing.

Study less, study smart

Too many students believe that studying for lengthy periods is the most incredible way to become a perfect, straight-A student. However, studies reveal that highly successful students study less time than their classmates, but they study more efficiently.

Rather than spending a lot of time performing low-intensity work with many distractions, you should study for shorter periods at a greater intensity, with no email, social media, or other distractions. Studying like that is more efficient, and as a result, you attain higher levels of success.

Revise before the exam

With such a vast syllabus, it might be tough to memorize all the topics before the exams. Prepare a concise and to-the-point list of critical subjects that you may brush up on for Exam Preparation. Avoid cramming since it may cause you to forget everything you've studied. Instead, pick up your scribbled notes while the lecture is still going on in the class. As a final preparation, reviewing the notes might help you recall all the big topics and produce appropriate responses.

Get consistent sleep

Even though it is not a study method, consistent sleep would directly influence your result outcome in the end. When it comes to studying hard, this stage is highly crucial because most students stay up all night cramming before examinations. Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep every day. The brain organizes your memories while you sleep. Rather than pulling an all-nighter, study for a few hours before going to bed and then revise again in the morning.

Choosing the right mock test

You can find millions of mock tests but finding the right and reliable one is difficult, which otherwise could easily disrupt your whole preparation. So, it is equally important to choose the proper mock tests from the right places. As already mentioned, this is a great option, and this is why...

urExam is a one-stop destination to master all your exam fears with proper practice. There is a wide range of mock tests for all sorts of examinations on the urExam website. Professionals create them, and you can access them from anywhere while thoroughly monitoring your progress.

Strategic planning and venting of all the stress you've been holding onto can take you a long way. I hope these methods help and all the best!